New Training Cycle - WHAT DOES IT MEAN ?!

I've always kind of hated using the phrases "Training Cycle" or anything that makes working out sound cryptic.

It's just exercise.

In the trainer world, it's someone asking you about your workout so you can in turn ask them about their program - "Oh, you're doing back squats? My program has me doing Front Foot Elevated Single-Arm Zercher Squats at RPE 7.25 this cycle - yeah, I'm not looking forward to it."

Insert meme face - whatever, dude.

But here we are, embarking on a new training "cycle." The reality is we are just continuing what we've been trying to do the past few months - get stronger, faster, improve our gymnastics (toes to bar, handstands), and overall just feel great about our exercise!

It is true though that we have to change how we do things a few times a year to prevent stagnation and more importantly keep it fun. We’ve spent the past 3 months focusing on getting really strong and perfecting our technique - and now we can focus on other qualities - like lifting heavy and moving fast at the same time.

I've always loved this quote:

"The distinction we make between resistance training and metabolic training ('cardio') may seem clear to us, but nature honors no such distinction."

So our Strength section might look more like Skill development - and our Conditioning portion might feel like you reach muscular failure before cardio failure. But that's a good thing. And when we are out in nature and run into a bear - we'll at least be able to pick up something heavy and move fast with it.

We'll get back to maxing out in a few weeks!

Workout of the Day:

Skill Work 3 Rounds of H.S. Progression

  • :15 L-Sit

  • 20 DU after each attempt


on the 2.5 Min x 6 Rounds:

6 Deadlifts (65-70%)

6 Bar Facing Burpees

30 DU

Rest remaining time